Receiving a job rejection is never a pleasant feeling, especially if it’s for your dream role.
I’m sure we have all been there- checking our phones every ten minutes to see if we received any good news and getting that zip of excitement at the thought of rocking up to work on our first day. I’m sure we have all experienced that feeling of deflation and disappointment when we finally receive the call… and are delivered the news we didn’t want to hear. When this does happen, you might wonder how you can bounce back and continue your job search when your dream job has slipped through your fingers.
Well, it’s time to stop your worrying because in this blog we share advice on how you can use rejection to your benefit and come back stronger than ever!
Keep Calm (Take a Deep Breath) and Carry On
It may seem like the end of the world when you don’t get the job your heart was set on, especially if you spent a lot of time preparing for the interview. However, receiving a rejection doesn’t mean that you won’t eventually land your dream job. Don’t take this setback as a sign to settle for less because if you drift away from your initial goal then you might find yourself in an unhappy job. If you have faith in yourself and keep persevering, then you will find that gem!
Gaining Resilience
Work life is all about the ups and downs and unfortunately, there will be moments when we don’t always get what we want. When that happens, we can either crumble and accept defeat, or we can look rejection in the eye and use it to our advantage. Hiring managers tend to take an interest in candidates who can demonstrate their resilience, so why not add it to your skill set and stand out from the crowd?

A Learning Curve
Asking your recruiter for feedback and taking it on constructively will become your secret weapon and your key to acing any future interviews. Feedback not only stops you from falling into a spiral and overthinking what could have caused your rejection, but it also helps you find out what factors held you back and what you can work on for your next interview. For example, if the hiring manager passes across feedback that you didn’t demonstrate enough knowledge about the company, then for your next interview you can knuckle down and do extra research to ensure that this doesn’t happen again. Your weak spots can be strengthened but it’s only up to you to do this.
Re-thinking your Career Path
In some circumstances, receiving a job rejection can be a blessing in disguise. Choosing a career path isn’t always an easy decision, especially since there are so many different options out there. As a result, some people end up applying and interviewing for positions that aren’t quite right for them. When you aren’t offered a job, it might be a sign that you are looking in the wrong direction and applying to positions that aren’t quite the right fit for you. If your heart isn’t really in it, then it’s likely that the hiring manager will be able to pick up on the vibe. If this is the case, then before you apply to your next role it would be beneficial to go over a few job specs and see what you would be happy doing on a day-to-day basis. Once you find a career path that you are enthusiastic about, the positive energy you bring to an interview will be sure to impress the hiring manager!